Saturday, 24 September 2011

Reflecting Back on the As Year - Technical Skills

Throughout the As year we developed a range of skills from the basics:  how to use a video camera and attach it to a tripod safely  to learning how to frame different shots such as , Close ups . medium shots , wide shots , long shots etc . In the As year we were also introduced to editing and sound software . We were taught how to use final cut pro where we learnt how edit our footage and  to put cuts and transitions onto our  preliminary and final pieces of work . In life type  text we created title's for out work and in sound track pro we were taught how to create how to create music and sound effects to go along with out thriller's .apart form all the technical things we were taught one of the most important and valuable things we were taught at as is how to convert video's using handbrake so that they could be uploaded onto here !