Saturday, 24 September 2011

Reflecting Back on the As Year- Lip-sync Tutorial

 Before we went off for our summer break we completed a 3 week introduced into A2 media .The first thing we were shown was a   lipsynch tutorial from one of the media technicians who showed us how to edit a music video using markers and base track which was followed by us having a having a go using the same clips. The next thing that we did was create our own pop music video in our groups .

We were given a song (If I cant have you - Yvonne Ellieman) although everyone was a bit camera shy  & we didn't have long to memorize lyrics we managed to get some footage, remembering what we were told in the editing tutorial we started to edit our pop music video. Whilst editing we realised didn’t have enough footage from our base tracks so we did some reshot's which solved the problem. Once editing was completed and we aligned the music with the clips we rendered our clip then converted into a quick time movie.
We then were told how to access our storage spaces on the Macs where we saved our pop videos as well as pictures that were taken whilst filming. The filming process was a good experience as any problems that might occur during our project in a2 will have hopefully happen now so we will have had experience and know how to deal with it.

The next thing we were introduced into was photo shop   elements   we were once again given a tutorial by one of the media technicians and then we were given a CD cover and had to list the codes & conventions of a digpak. This was followed by us creating our own digipak. Using the pictures we took when filming.