Monday, 26 September 2011

AS Year - Digipak



Music video
We had a tutorial on some features of Final Cut Pro that would be useful while making a Music Video. Micky showed us how to synchronise sound on multiple video files using markers. We chose a characteristic word from the song and marked it (CMD + M), we did that for all of the videos. When all of the markers were in place, we aligned them on a time line and checked if the video and sound are synced.
Later we listened to the song and we put the markers to the beat to show where the videos should be cut. This would create a good flow for the video.

The hardest thing while making a good lip synch in FCP is finding the right word to mark and mark it on the same video at the same place.

While filming the music video we encountered few problems. Our "singer" didn't learn the lyrics, which made most of the video out of synch. Also a loudspeaker that we used, didn't work so I had to use speakers on a phone. This made it difficult later on to mark the same lyric of a song. Fortunately the songs had a fast beat which allowed us to hide the bad lip synch by cutting it quite often.
The attitude and dancing of our singer made the video look much better even with the bad lip synch.

Because of that I didn't like the final outcome, it was out of synch for most of the video and looked unprofessional.

CD Case
I knew how to use most of the tools in Photoshop so I didn't need the tutorial for it. I made both the front and inside of a CD case and I'm very pleased with the outcome. 
Since "eyes are windows to your soul" I used an ECU of an eye for the case. Firstly I used it for the front but later I changed the layout and used it inside. The case is mainly blue because of the eye colour and so the blue brings out the eye colour even more. 
I have also used simple layout of the text to cover the whole front so that it is clear what the album is.

The only thing I could add is some more information on the inside (eg. a booklet)