- The artist name is bigger than the title of the album.
- The font is consistent.
- The pictures of her, are the strenghth of this digipak. Easily recognisable. We know who she is.
- The artist name is really big, in bold. This is her debut album, therefore the artist's name needs to be successfully introduced.
- The "manga" styled picture of her on the front cover makes us want to know more about this artist. It's different from the other, traditional covers where we see the artist's face. This will catch her audience's attention.
- The artist name stands out more than the album title.
- The layout is like pasted images, which is isn't conventional. Grabs the audience's attention.
- The picture of them at the back suggets they are very serious artists, but at the same time we can see that they want to be unique.
- The font used for the tracklist is different than the font used for the album title and the artist's name, yet the main idea of "pasted paper" is still there.
Our artist |
These albums all relates to the genre and the audience of our artist, Charlotte Cole, as they are all represented / introduced as serious songwriters, who wants to stand out, which corresponds to what our artist is trying to achieve.