Saturday, 26 November 2011


Planning in A2 was completely different to As. While making a thriller we changed our mind constantly, changing the types of shots, locations and the plot. This made it harder to edit and took us longer to film.
Although there were similarities in the planning, we also had group discussions and made storyboard showing our idea for the video but in A2 it was much more detailed and we kept to it a bit more closely.

This year we planned exactly what we wanted to do. We planned the shots, motif, clothes and even the theme of the video so that it works well with the song and genre. This was especially important because we  only had one day to film. Making a storyboard and discussing with the group helped with deciding what footage to take.

This year I also researched more into the artist, genre and music videos in general to make our video look professional and fit the song/genre.