Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Importance of Digipaks !

We had a class discussion about the importance of digipaks in the music industry and  found out that :
  1. Digpaks are a modern approach to CD packaging 
  2. Digipaks make more information available about the artist or band something which is quite important as pop culture seems to be more fascinating then ever ! 
  3. Digipaks encourages audiences to pay more for something "special" with added value  at a time when illegal downloads are rising digipaks can be seen as an intensive  to get people buying music again 
We were also introduced to the conventions of a digpak which include things like :
  1. Having the artists name in a large font size then any other text 
  2. Track listing
  3. A main image to attract audiences this is most often an image of the artist but sometimes it can be a motif that is transferred from album to album which tend to be used with more established artists 
  4. Record company logo's 
  5. Promotional stickers most likey to be used if an artists has an upcoming or has recently been on tour