Beyonce's video for "Countdown" has some aspects that we could potentially use in our video. It uses split screen and repetition which advertises the artist very well. She can be seen in every shot of the video, at times even more than once (use of tiles). Also the bright colours and different costumes make the video more interesting and therefore more rememberable.
Above are some gif animations of screenshots from the music video.
- The first one shows mid/close up of the artist in different outfits and backgrounds which are unique and easily recognisable and therefore show off the artist well.
- The second animation shows a transition that i liked, it changes from Beyonce walking off to a dancer that uncovers the artist again.
- The third animation shows an amplification/illustration of the countdown by showing a "human" clock.
The shots below shows how the artist used tiles to advertise herself, repetition also makes the music video more stylised and recognisable:
If our group would decide on creating a similar effect we would have to change it because of the genre. Bright colours and quick jump cuts are associated with pop music but not with indie music which would use duller/(brown and gold) colours.