Saturday, 1 October 2011

Research: Skills audit

Looking back at my AS research, I think my skills have definitely improved. As music is a big part of my life, I feel that I will enjoy this topic more than I did when creating the thriller opening with my group in AS. Back then, I didn't know much about thrillers but I was always learning new things everyday. I feel that my research this year is more in-depth as I knew where to begin with my research from my music knowledge which I learnt in AS. When starting something new, it's hard to know to how or where to begin but on the second time round, I feel more determined to do better than I did the first time. When doing research for thrillers, it was hard to build up on an idea to make it suspenseful. However, once we've made our song choice, it was easy to build on several concepts. Music videos do not have a specific structure and do not have to make sense whereas thriller openings must not confuse viewers but still keep them guessing and wanting to watch the rest of the film. I think that I will do and enjoy this year more due to the experience. There is more work to come and I can't wait!