What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Audience reaction
During the screening of all our music videos, I recorded my group video while it played. As our video was the first to be played, I didn't get the beginning. This also includes the audience's reaction during and after it played. So here it is:Audience feedback from fellow media students:
- Claire Elsby:
My ancillary: "I really like the colour scheme you used it really works well together and the simple font sticks to the conventions, you have followed all of them! The comments you made by various newspapers sounded realistic too & the photo on the back of the digipak linked completely to the video, the colours in the image also match the same kind of tones in the rest of the ancillary work which is nice. It is also the same outfit and artist as in the video, as well as having the pebbly beach photo on the inside which links back to your video clearly. The one thing I would say is it's a little plain and this plain-ness makes it slightly unattractive as a buyer, maybe if you used a larger font size for the album name and artist name on the front of the digipak it would have a little less peach coloured space, I really like the advert as well but it looks a little too square on to be real, but that's consistent throughout it so I doubt it will be a problem."
- Charlene Moore:
My ancillary: "I like the use of the name on the CD as it keeps the house style throughout all panels and the back panel shows personality with another image. The small use of colours works in your favour as it is not 'busy' but still effective; your layout on this panel is particularly effective. I really like the advert! The use of colours complements the genre. You have followed conventions with the HMV logos and reviews, the fact that it is simple keeps the focus on the purpose of the advert: to promote the artist. The CD front cover is a little simple, maybe you could have taken an image where the singer is in Brighton so it has a more interesting background."
Other comments from friends and family were similar. Many said that it was a little too plain but it matched the genre of the song.